What happens in Vegas, stay in Vegas !
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!
1. 在这里所发生的事情,就留在这里,不再提。
2. 事情发生了,就让它过去吧,无需究诉,生活继续。
A: I lost so much money in Vegas last week!
B: Hey, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
A: 上个星期我在拉斯维加斯输了好多钱啊!
B: 喂,在拉斯维加斯发生了什么事儿,就让它留在那吧,不再提。
A: Haha, do you guys remember the time Mr.Wong peed his pants in highschool?
B: Hey man! What happens in the classroom, stays in the classroom!
A: 哈哈, 你们还记得高中时候Mr.Wong 尿裤子了!
B: 喂!过去的事情就让过去吧,不要再提了!
The intro
(Listening Comprehension)
Yo, what's up peeps? It's Mr.Wong here. Ever been to Vegas? No? Well you should. Now I'm not telling you to gamble, but for sight seeing and most importantly the food baby! Aww yeah!
The main reason I go to Vegas is for the buffet. All you have to do is pay once, and get a 24-hour Vegas buffet pass. Now it's a little bit on the pricey side: $59.99, but for 24 hours all you can eat, you're damn right! It's worth it.
Okay, enough with the food talk, it's making me hungry. Speaking of Vegas, today's phrase of the day is "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." Let's check it out!